Thursday, 19 April 2012

Swiwsco Orphanage Pantry Fundraising

The orphanage's pantry beforehand and we've managed to fill it with:.....

50kg maize; 20kg beans; 20kg rice; 10kg flour; 5kg sugar; 2kg salt and yeast; 10 litres cooking oil; soap for clothes and body washing; green beans, carrots, cabbage, tomatoe's, onions and eggplants.

Plus 3kg beef and 2 weeks worth of firewood so they can cook the food - everything is cooked in an outside area so firewood is crucial.

An exhausting mission at the markets... the kids loved it when I turned up with all the food in the boot of a taxi!!! Some carried sacks twice as heavy as what themselves - quite amazing!!


  1. Hey Lis - awesome pics ! Pete's been trying to reply but with his IT competencies ...haha
    On your first blog when you got lost, Pete says "you should always turn right at Thames !!! :)"
    You are doing an amazing thing Lisa and we are all following your blog at Lumley.
    Keep up the good work :)x

    1. Thanks Brig...and thanks Pete for the directions.... :)

  2. Great work Lis - I bow down to you girl. Its great. Travel easy. XX

    1. Thanks Toni! It is very tough here and I'm only half way through my journey.....
