Friday, 13 July 2012

Moshi Fundraising for Sports Uniforms

It still brings a tear to my eye reminiscing over these photo's and the ecstatic joy the kids from Korongoni Special Needs class had when they received these sports uniforms from my fundraising!!

Ready, set, go.....and we're off running races. Loved it - couldn't even run the race without them wanting to hold hands.
Richard standing at the back, always went off by himself instead of playing football with the other kids. With the uniform on, he totally surprised the teachers and I by playing football with us and racing round - he was good too..... What a huge difference a uniform has in fostering a feeling of being proud for participation.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

'Big 5' Safari

For those of you still interested in my blog....I've finally managed to make some semblance of life back to normality - well as normal as I can be after such a life changing journey.

When I had the weekend off in Moshi and did the Safari in Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Manyara I managed to see the so-called "Big 5" - now that I'm back to a faster downloading internet connection here are my pictures of the "Top 5" from the Safari:  Rhino; Cheetah; Hippo; Lion and Elephant
This is definitely where I needed a good zoom camera so anyone who is going on a safari - definitely invest in a good zoom so you get great photo's. This cheetah and hippo were the only opportunities I had and they were too far away to get a decent photo........

This is the biggest male lion I've seen - he probably weighed about 250kg as that's generally maximum weight of a full grown lion. These two happened to be off by themselves 'enjoying' time together....quite rare to see.

And to top off a spectacular day, as we were leaving a family of elephants came out of the bush right beside the vehicle and there was a baby approx 1metre high (front) and a teeny, weeny one probs under 50cm in the background - so gorgeous!!